Friday, October 13, 2006

wrong century

you know, sometimes i think i was born in the wrong century. i read books of how life was in the 18th century. of how the women were adored by men. at least in all my romance novels. so maybe it wasn't always like that. but, sometimes i wish i could go back to the time when there was fancy balls and chivalry and manners and everything. sometimes in the world today, that is so hard to find. unfortunately. but, yeah lifes okay. i'm sitting on a public computer at the library typing this cuz i'm banned from my home computer. well, i gotta go. i only have an alloted time to do this on the library computer.

average jane signing off. (yes paleo i'm still okay! :) )

Monday, October 9, 2006


hey this is just a simple post to say, i'm okay. for my friends like paleo who were very worried for my sake, i'm okay. i got back okay. unfortunately i was caught in a lie when my parents found out i met the guy initially online. and the hardest thing was, this time it wasn't my sisters who usually rat me out. but, it was my cousin who actually went with me and hung out with this guy. he ratted me out and his mom called my mom. yeah life sucks. so i'm lucky to even be on posting this. but, that 's all the time i have for this. later.

average jane signing off. (life's a bitch and then you die)