hey! it's me...lol i know its' been a while...i've been busy...and now i'm stuck doing nothin at the moment at work, yet they won't let me go home :( anyhoo... let me explain...
So today is inventory day at my work. This means we close up our store to the public and we break up into teams of three or four ppl and count all the product in our store. however, we have way too much stuff to count it all in one day. so we have one or two days in october and one or two days in december. (or is it january....? ) anyhoo. so the key is the faster we get the count done the first day, then we may not have to come back on the second day... usually being on a friday/saturday combo... so here i sit having done both my count and audited another group's count...well partial audit cuz we couldn't find half the shit out there. that was the problem with our counting. we were assigned to a code that really only two guys know much about it... and they were dealing with the other 2/3 of the code... talk about screwed up.... but we eventually figured out the most of it. i was assigned to be just a writer... which was okay by me... lol i had a lot of codes to sort through to find the right one though...lol :) loads of fun.
but now i sit here with nothing to do. i am simply waiting for them to come and audit my codes and such. but they have to go through a few other ppl. i can't wait til i get to go. cuz then i get to go to jay's and watch a movie and eat some food...lol food sounds good. i'm also oober thristy lol been drinkin water and soda lots...
so life.... how has it been you may ask. busy! that pretty much sums it up... stressed and hectic also work well! But plans are coming along splendidly for the wedding. we have a place to have the ceremony and reception. we have jay's bishop that is goin to marry us. we will have a marriage license on monday :) hopefully... lol i have a dress, jay has a tux rented. my bridesmaids dresses are almost done, flowers ordered...cake ordered. announcements sent out yesterday/today... yah... most everything done.
as to life otherwise. lol there really hasn't been much other than wedding stuff for the past little while...lol except school and me packin up my room to move. school has been going decently. i've found that i can just go to class and read a book like whatever...( ie: Jane Eyre is what i've been reading lately...) just to get the attendance points and learn all i need to at home. i'm really learning nothing new in class. it's like a review of all i learned in jr. high.... and that's just sad that i already know all this stuff...i'm so bored. but then i go online and do the homework... i so could have taken this class online. which is what i'm considering doing for spanish 1020 ( i'm taking 1010). but yah...
then my other class is POLS 1100... which is american gov't and politics 101... it's really quite interesting i have to admit. we get into some really cool discussions and sometimes i feel like i know enough to actually put my opinion out there. the funny thing is that because of this class i find myself paying more attention to certain issues. like the whole bank bailout bill thingy... i find myself watchin the articles online to see what they are saying. i'm finding myself watching the stocks to see if they are going up or down in points, even though i don't get what the points really mean, besides that up is good and bad is down... lol but i really feel like i'm actually becoming more aware of things that i have wanted to know more about. that's why i'm glad that i was able to take this class. it does help also that jay knows somethings like this too...like some things with stocks and what is kind of going on in the political world....at least more than i do. it's kind of good. cuz that mixed with what i'm learning on my own helps me in my class. it's really quite neat! lol if i haven't mentioned that yet.
but yah...oh ! so i started packin up my room...it was quite funny actually. i knew right off that the most of my packing would be of my books and movies. the funny part is that i didn't realize that it would take all the boxes i had already collected, plus a few i borrowed from family..., to box just my books up! lol it was funny. then jay came over like last night. he saw the boxes and he said, " is that just your books?" lol i said yup! he kind of smiled and said... okay.. lol it was funny... but then again there won't be more than 4 or 5 more boxes with my other stuff... cuz i will probably end up throwing a lot of stuff out cuz they are worthless little trinkets i've gathered over the years... useless silly things. but i also got half my movies boxed up. gotta see if i have anymore just layin around the house.
so the first person just left... it's now 4:40 pm... i wish it was me leaving...however i aint that lucky...but it's all good. i got to work a little late...so it's okay. the reason i was late is silly though...at the time i was scared a bit though...or maybe shaken up is the better term. i was already runnin late and was gonna be about 5 min late... but then...well let me start from leaving my house.
so i left my house and was driving down to the main street, redwood road. i tried my little time saver move to turn right onto redwood and then flip a u-turn and head the other way...rather than waiting for a left turn light on my road. well i underestimated how fast a car coming my way on redwood was going, and decided to go for a quick turn. however, she was comin up way fast and i tried to speed up. the lady didn't even try to slow down until she was like 7 feet from hittin me. then she gets majorly pissed off at me! i know i made a stupid turn...i was at fault there honestly. but she didn't try to slow down til she almost hit me. then i take the first turn i can like up 50 feet into a parking lot. i decide to just take the back way back around and get back to where i can get to 47th south, which is the street i take to work. however, the lady comes up in her car next to me and speeds up to catch me and make me stop so she can yell at me from her car! totally scared the shit outta me. i thought for sure she was gonna do somethin to me. i mean i didn't even hit her or her hit me... there was no accident! and i kept sayin i'm so sorry! my bad! i'm sorry... and i was totally being sincere about it...honestly. finally the stupid b***** shut up! for a sec....she just sat glarin at me. i took that as my cue and left. she was still parked where i left her when i turned outta view. i really hope nothing bad will happen...i don't think there really is anything she can do. i mean...yeah i pulled in front of her and shouldn't have. but i didn't break any laws, i didn't cause an accident.. there's nothing she can get me on. and i said i'm sorry like at least 7 or 8 times. i was barely able to say that.... but yah... oh well, no use gettin worked up over it all.
anyhooo....still here and ppl are leaving...ugh...dang me having code six... oh well...well not much else to say. except i am so countin down the days! two weeks from tomorrow...lol
it's quiet here... i'm just listenin to the radio and such not too loud cuz there are a few ppl around...but i'm not worrying so much what i'm listening to... it's cool...cuz i think if i had to worry...i'd be so frickin bored!!! lol...97.1 zht is the best :) though i do love my U92...though i wouldn't risk listenin to that at work :) lol even with only a few ppl around lol...
well i'm just babbling now...so laters!!! :D
average jane out!
oh yeah! i love jay bunches!! lol a bushel and a peck!! :D he he he he he... (wow i am really tired ) lol