Thursday, January 10, 2008

a new day, it will be okay

you know when you don't do something for fear of the reaction you'll get? well, sometimes you just have to take a chance be honest...tell that special someone how you felt...and honestly you find yourself surprised...tell them that you wanted to cry, in a moment that should have been happy...and you find that they are more understanding that you thought...more perfect...and you realize that things will be okay...that communication is the know you want to be able to tell them anything, but how difficult is that when you grew up in a home where pretty much nothing was discussed...nothing just avoid telling how you really feel...can't tell them about the one person in the world you really are happy with, because you'll just get the look again...the lecture about how they aren't good enough...can't tell them about your relationship... can't tell them you'll never be like fact that you don't ever want to be like them...dont' want their life... but it's'll change your open with your feelings...tell ppl what you need to say, for your sanity... but it's a new day, life will be okay

average jane signing off...

sidenote: to those worried...i really am okay..

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

just a cycle

days come and go...weeks pass slowly, and you find yourself starting a new routine...spend work wishing to be with that special someone...desperately needing a look to tell you they feel the same way...wanting just one moment alone with them...while at the same moment you look at them and remember the past few days and just become confused...torn between emotions...whether you give into your feelings or pull back from the you just let it all go on, just all in the game of you listen to your head telling you let go, back off, or do you listen to your heart telling you love is worth it all...what really matters anymore...

spend the days going from work to him up, talk about with him for hours...miss one day without him...your life is off...go to bed, think about him, dream about him...come to work...all just a misunderstanding...thought you didn't care to call...simple mistake, all is okay. or so it seems...for who really knows...find yourself wanting to just spend all your time with that special someone...your parents make comments as to their opinion...get the hint and move on to just being in the background...looking at you with that look in their eyes... the one thats shows disappointment, concern pity...look away, can't bear to see it...don't want to see the hurt, making it seem personal...put up the mask, don't look...just pass the days making polite...

good days...bad days...what do ppl around you really they see the bad, or just simply wish it away cuz they can't handle they even see the pain until it's glaring in their face...they show concern...act they care...why now...think they can don't see them much during normal days...days with no drama, no hurt, just life...but why do they make things worse than they really are...why offer help when you say don't bother...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...helps you learn to lean on that one person that really cares...that one you want to spend your life with...but then you come back to that circle of doubt and joy once again...

seems you're stuck in a neverending cycle...even though looking back it's only been a month or can't seem to find where it really began...cant seem to find an end...or can you not see the ned because you fear it...don't know who you are anymore or who you've become...finding yourself and your worth in that one person...wanting to break free from the hurt...but fear losing the true happiness you have felt with them...lost, stuck in a web, can't figure it all out...

the day comes to a close once lay and wonder why...just why...why does he love you? why you? why did it all have to be this way...

averagejane gone for now...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

why does it feel like lying?

ever have those days you find you cannot make up your mind? or you think you've made up your mind, just to find the next day, you aren't so find yourself telling a friend..." i've learned from this...i'm not gonna make that mistake again...i'm done with that..." then turn around and you bite your words...sometimes it's you jumped to conclusions...others, you just let yourself get drawn back...can't stay feel somedays thatyou're lying to your friends...but sometimes you just can't explain it all becauseyou know how they will react...and you don't need that...sometimes you wish they wouldn't just say 'told you so...' wish they would just keep it to themselves...because the situations change so fast, even you can't keep up with the score...don't know how its gonna be. feelings could rage overnight to worse in the morning...hard feelings could just diminish, being replaced once again with love. you may find yourself leaving that special one's presence unsure, contemplative, lost, confused...not really speaking to them... thinking you'll see them the next day and things will be different, like them just not talking to you, thinking you hate them...then they surprise you by acting just the same as normal...charming, thoughtful, sweet...and you find yourself wondering why you were doubting anything the night before...wondering what made you feel lost, confused, just hours see a different person during the day, more composed, only quick smiles directed your way...then night falls and they hold you passionately...promise they'll never leave you...things go from simple to complicated and you begin to wonder what makes it all so different...makes you wonder why you can't say no...why you just give in...until you break down inside, wanting to just sob silently in your pillow...fall into dreamland, the one place you can escape reality...just for a moment...

stuck, unable to move

how can something that is supposed to feel so good, so right...just feel so wrong? it boggles my mind. something that is an expression of feelings, that just makes you want to sadness and heartbreaking emotions... not tears of joy. just crying into your pillow...not letting anyone else see...don't want to appear fragile...yet you still come back to the source of your sadness...time and time again...because while the source brings sadness, it also brings joy, and feelings of love...the question is, is that enough? to be so happy with the source of most of your sadness, that you overlook the sadness, and just focus on how happy you are half the time...sometimes you just don't know...

another question...what is it that makes a strong, high-willed person lose their resolve, their audacity to speak their mind? how is it that someone has no trouble saying no to most, then when it comes to one special person in their life, the one who should understand them the most, they can't say no, especially to something that causes them pain and heartache? ...why can't they be strong...why? sometimes i guess you can just see that nobody can be superman all the time...

you sit there, just being with your best friend, your soul mate. just looking at them...and you see the love, the emotion in their eyes...and you can just feel their happiness...just being with you. and you feel the same way...and wonder how to express it...then something innocent turns into something more complicated...requires more than just a yes or no answer... and you just don't know how to answer...then it seems you answer against your will, and you're not sure of how you answered...then they ask something of you you're not sure you can give...and you find yourself giving're disgusted with yourself...yet find yourself just wanting to please have you fallen to this low that you can't say no...and you look at yourself and just sigh, try to scrub it all away, rinse it all away...thinking maybe that will change it...and find nothing just curl up and cry. you wonder again how it all got this way, how one moment, one night can cause a world of change...........then you look up again out of your emotional reverie at your best friend, the one person you want to be with forever and always...and you just smile at the look on their face...the look that says they can't imagine anyplace they would rather be...and you melt and just want to stay forever in their embrace. and the circle is begun wonder where you're going and if you'll have the strength to break the circle...or if you even want to...

everyday for a week, you'll hear flak from your parents about keeping to your dreams...dont' forget who you are...and you wonder ironically, how can you forget dreams you don't even know about any more? how can you forget who you are, when you never were sure who you were in the first place...simple ironies that make you grimace and cringe...just reminders that you are so far gone...beyond worry now...the looks you get from parents, friends...just a constant reminder that you disappoint them, time and time again...never able to do anything right...they nag, they prod...using the excuse they only want the best from you...only want to you to be all you can be...they just don't get you'll never be like them...don't see how hard you try to not be like them...don't want their couldn't be them no matter how hard they may like it to be that way...pushing them further away...knowing that you disappoint them anyway, why not go all the way...push them so far away they really don't care anymore, don't have to see the hurt on their faces...the disappointed just push farther and farther away...receding into yourself...whatever there is of you anyways...

on the outside, it appears life is just fine and one even guesses the constant struggle day to one sees the one sees the one hears the sobs coming painfully from your very one knows the thoughts of despair...and you just continue on in the game...continue the cycle of pain and happiness... thinking you should end it, but then not sure if it's worth it...if you're worth it... you hope that one person you care the world for, can see beyond your mask...then when they do, you desperately wish that you could open up to the one person who really cares...tell them your doubts, your fears, your pains and how they make you feel low some days...they already hear your joys, but you hide your pains...can't bring yourself to tell them how things they do cause you pain, how you fear relationships with a passion, but want so much to be with them...yet your fears, irrational ones, push you away...but you can't tell them..for it's these same fears, these fears of really opening up to one person, that keep you from being true to fear you'll just scare them, push them away with your feelings and thoughts...and by pulling away and closing in on yourself, you end up doing the one thing you push them away, make them think you don't want to be with them...that you don't care enough to tell them how you really feel...and you start again, hoping this time things will be different. they start different, but really just end the same...wishing you could get off this one track...try a new one...but somehow you can't...

so pretty find yourself stuck...unable to help yourself...too proud, maybe just scared, maybe just not wanting, to ask for help...think maybe you're in this for a reason...and you just go to sleep, wishing for just a moments reprieve from your thoughts...thoughts threatening to weigh you down, pull you farther into this abyss you call life...

average jane signing off...

Monday, January 7, 2008

you know...

you know when you say oh that won't happen to me? and you just know deep down that because you said that, it will happen to you? those are such mind trips...funny when those things really do happen. then how do you deal with them? i guess you just figure it out from then on and just start over...sometimes when these things happen, you have to wonder...just about the whole thing. like what made this time different? what made you fall into this situation? is it a good change? what now?... what now? just makes you so's just a funny thing when you find yourself doing something you didn't expect. and sometimes you just have to let it all play out to see where it leads you...and hope you don't end up more confused...

averagejane signing off...

things changing...

isn't it funny how one moment can really change your life? make you really think about everything that is happening... sometimes it's for the better, sometimes for the for me, i've not decided yet...

but i've been thinking a lot lately. just about life...and where i'm going...what i want to do with it...and some thing has kind of changed my plans...but yeah...

oh, and i had hoped to travel to new york this summer...but i don't think i'll have the funding to anymore...

well that's all for now...except that i'm really tired, cuz i got home at 3 am this morning...dont ask why...

average jane signing off...