Thursday, September 7, 2006

random thoughts

i've always been single and this is the first relationship i've been in. and i've been very independent. but, now that i have army man, it's weird. i never thought i'd be the kind of girl to miss her guy when he isn't around. but, here i am turning into that. i've kind of begun to stop being so independent. i've started to let myself want to depend on someone else for once. and it's weird. all today, i was wishing i could talk to army man, wish we could just talk about whatever. he's become really special to me. but, things are okay. and i worry too much. i often think too much about things. it's crazy. but, i'm gonna go. average jane signing off.


Nathan said...

Can't say this hasn't happened to me... especially in ninth grade, but we won't get into that. :-P

The Warrior said...

Well, that is how God intended it. (Here I go again...)

I read these words of Jesus today, referring to divorce and marriage: (note: it's by memory, so is not likely 100% accurate)

"What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."

That is the divine order of things.

jane said...

well, yeah,i guess that's how it is supposed to be. and i think that quote is accurate. but, yeah i really think everything will be good.

The Warrior said...

Lord willing it sure will!!!!!

Always remember that God loves you more than any human is even capable of. Yes, even in comparison to Dave (as great as he is!). Just think about that for a while. (Not to be bossy.... Hope I don't come off that way! :-P)

jane said...

don't even worry about coming off as bossy. it's totally cool wit me. but, yeah it's true that people say god loves you more than anyone ever could. but, i don't know. still working on this faith thing.

The Warrior said...

It will take time. But, prayers seem to work, don't they? ;-)