lol so i just had to type that! but so an update on my life is in order!! :D
well, so so much drama has happened with chris. and i'm about fed up with it. so here it is!
well so on weds. i told chris that i was still gonna date other guys and made sure he knew that. and that there were other guys that i am interested in and then he asked if i liked someone else at work. and not gonna lie to him i said that yes i did. then he asked me questions and tried to figure out who it was that i liked. but, yah. and he acted all jealous and like a clingy boyfriend. and that was really annoying. so then he calls me on thurs. and apologized for acting like an ass. (his words and not mine) but then he acted like everything was okay. and when we talked on sunday, he acted like we were cool and said he hoped we could be friends. so then i come to work on mon. and i talk to my friend art. and turns out that chris on friday was asking around tryin to find out who it was i liked at work. but then i guess he had narrowed it down to art and cody, then to art and was givin him shit on friday. but, yah. so i confronted chris (on tues.) about it and tried to play it down as nothin. and such. but then anyways. i told art yesterday that it actually was cody that i liked. so he's all like "oh let me hook you up!' god it's so funny cuz he's like a freakin matchmaker! lol but yeah so he talked to cody and told me that cody liked me and such. but i didn't really believe him cuz i saw no indication from cody yet.
so then today, i came into work and on my first break went and talked to art. and we chatte about chris and art. and finally i found chris and confronted him about friday. then i told him that we would be just friends. then on my lunch break, cody kept comin up in the break room and seemed to want to talk to me. but there were just so many ppl in there. then finally it was just me and david and cody. and so finally cody told me that he liked me and that chris had just beat him to the punch and asked me out. he said that part of him was not wanting to start something because of chris and more drama and hurt feelings, but then a part of him was worried that i'd be swooped up by another guy and he (cody) would have missed his chance. lol that totally made me smile. that this guy thought i was such a catch that other guys might be after me!! :D but yeah. so then i told him that i had a crush on him but didn't say anything because of chris and not knowing how he (cody) would feel. but yeah. so things are cool!! :D i'm so excited. well works over so i'll close!
average jane signing off! :D
Hey, stranger. 8-)
Ha ha, glad you're okay. Just to make things clear I'm not trying to excuse Chris's actions (I don't know all about it), but maybe it's different from the view of girls, but us guys are pretty weird about rivals. I mean, sometimes the testosterone goes waaay up...
Really, we don't like rivals. :-D
Now I hope everything works out okay. :-D
lol thnx! but i do get that guys don't like rivals, but it was pretty desparate and jealous of him how he acted....
Wow... when you figure out your secret, write a book about it. I promise that you'll get rich!
Ha ha, I asked Nathan a similar question not too long ago. :-D I guess some people just have it and...others don't.
But, if should you figure your secret out...wanna let me us in on it? :-P
Oops...I meant us, not "me us"! :-O
lol i don't know my secret. but i'll let you guys in on it if i ever figure it out! :D
Meh, that's what they always say. They just wanna keep it a secret!!!!!
lol well you can believe what you may... :D
Well, either way it won't help me out any. :-/
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