Tuesday, October 13, 2009

That giddy feeling

i don't know what exactly it is about romance movies that make you just wanna curl up with happiness and giddiness. i just watched "never Been Kissed" ( one of my favorite of romantic comedies) and i've watched it several times before. and though i know exactly how it's gonna end, my heart stops to see if the guy will come. and then when he comes, my heart flutters and i get that giddy feeling as mentioned above.

we as society are addicted to these shows. well, most of the women in society. we love seeing these happy endings, where the girl gets the guy.... where it all really ends happily ever after. i don't mind it so much. sometimes it is just good to get lost in a story not my own. it's nice to see that everything does work out sometimes.

well, i don't mean to say it doesn't work out in real life. it's just they always portray it as so easy in the movies. you fall in love, and live happily ever after. sometimes it's too scripted. one thing i've found is that in real life, it is most of the time a bit of work. but in the end, it makes it even more special that you found this special guy. cuz with all the forces working against you, no matter the struggles or problems you overcame, you can still have your happily ever after. you will have that someone to hold you when you're sad. someone to kiss away the tears. someone to celebrate life with. someone to stay with you through the years. someone to mark the years with. it's work, but i've found that it makes that giddy feeling even more special.

average jane signing off...


The Warrior said...

:-) Very sweet! We'll see if I ever find that someday....

jane said...

lol i'm sure you will :)

Lydia said...

Awww... fer tender!

Also, I really like never been kissed. It gives me hope. lol

The Warrior said...


Thanks. But we will see....