Tuesday, January 23, 2007

yeah, stuff, jsut stuff

so i got some intersting news from a friend of mine. and it turns out she likes a guy i used to like. and without saying much, i guess it first off came as a shock. cuz i don't know. we were all just a group of friends. and in a way i feel stupid that i didn't see this coming. even my mom asked me about this possibility like a week ago. because my friend talks to this guy more than i ever did. but i don't know. i don't want to be angry and i'm not. i guess i'm just confused and i guess jealous in an abstract way. tha's the only way i can describe it. cuz i don't even know what i really feel. cuz i'm still in the shock state. and thinking i should have seen this coming. anyhoo. i'm done talking about this.

otherwise school kind of sucks. my academy program i have, now makes me have my stupid teachers again. but it's all good. i chose this program to begin with :D. but yeah and my gov't class should not be too bad. and i have a bunch of friends in choir like my graces. they all are so cool. and i can't believe how close we are. it's great. anyhoo.

average jane signing off. (confused.)


The Warrior said...

Uh...do I know these two people?

Lydia said...

Isn't it sad how we get territorial with people? I mean, especially with those we never "had" in the first place. I wish I didn't, but it does happen.

jane said...

yeah it really is sad that we get territorial. and now that i've had more time to think about all of this, i'm really not so mad. because i love this friend. and this guy i used to like, well, i've given him up. so all the more power to my friend.

Anonymous said...

I guess I've screwed up again, haven't I?

jane said...

assuming anonymous is either my ex or my bestest friend, yeah you have. if it's my friend, then you're ok. my ex-screw you.

The Warrior said...

Amy! Don't talk to him like that!

I hate to speak strongly to you, but that was going too far, Amy! What makes him more at fault than she?

He cares for you more than any man I know. He doesn't deserve that...and I think you know that. Please Amy, I know that anger can sometimes come out against your loved ones, but please, try your best to make this easier and not harder, okay?

What's happened to you? Are you so confused and upset that you are losing your own self?

Be the sweet girl that I know you are, please Amy. I love you like a sister and this pains me.

If you want to talk, I'm here. If you don't, I'm here anyways.


jane said...

i've gotten over my issues with her. i've still got unsolved issues with him and if you want to criticize what i say. then get the hell out of my life. might as well push you away before i allow myself to be hurt.

jane said...

sorry spencer shouldn't have been that harsh.

The Warrior said...

It's alright, Amy. I forgive you.

I put you before myself, so whatever you need, let me know.

jane said...

thanx. i love you bunches. thanx for just staying my friend no matter how stupid i act.

The Warrior said...

I love you more than bunches!

I'll be your friend to the end. No matter what you do, or what you say. Nothing will ever split us apart if I have anything to say about it.

You're welcome.

Love you,
