So. I just have to say i find it funny at jay is out like a light. I know you are probably all confused. Well for the past few nights jay has had to work a shift at work starting at midnight. Lol and he was always so sad he could not be home with me. And now on the first night back on a regular shift, he is now dead to the world :) lol it just makes me laugh!
I have to admit that it is nice to have him home :) lol the only problem is im still kind of awake. Thats half the reason im posting this. The other half is to try out this posting via my cell phone :) cool new feature i guess :) lol its fun. Im sure ill be fixing this post in the morning. gotta fix this big paragraph and give it a title......
averagejane signing off :)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
That giddy feeling
i don't know what exactly it is about romance movies that make you just wanna curl up with happiness and giddiness. i just watched "never Been Kissed" ( one of my favorite of romantic comedies) and i've watched it several times before. and though i know exactly how it's gonna end, my heart stops to see if the guy will come. and then when he comes, my heart flutters and i get that giddy feeling as mentioned above.
we as society are addicted to these shows. well, most of the women in society. we love seeing these happy endings, where the girl gets the guy.... where it all really ends happily ever after. i don't mind it so much. sometimes it is just good to get lost in a story not my own. it's nice to see that everything does work out sometimes.
well, i don't mean to say it doesn't work out in real life. it's just they always portray it as so easy in the movies. you fall in love, and live happily ever after. sometimes it's too scripted. one thing i've found is that in real life, it is most of the time a bit of work. but in the end, it makes it even more special that you found this special guy. cuz with all the forces working against you, no matter the struggles or problems you overcame, you can still have your happily ever after. you will have that someone to hold you when you're sad. someone to kiss away the tears. someone to celebrate life with. someone to stay with you through the years. someone to mark the years with. it's work, but i've found that it makes that giddy feeling even more special.
average jane signing off...
we as society are addicted to these shows. well, most of the women in society. we love seeing these happy endings, where the girl gets the guy.... where it all really ends happily ever after. i don't mind it so much. sometimes it is just good to get lost in a story not my own. it's nice to see that everything does work out sometimes.
well, i don't mean to say it doesn't work out in real life. it's just they always portray it as so easy in the movies. you fall in love, and live happily ever after. sometimes it's too scripted. one thing i've found is that in real life, it is most of the time a bit of work. but in the end, it makes it even more special that you found this special guy. cuz with all the forces working against you, no matter the struggles or problems you overcame, you can still have your happily ever after. you will have that someone to hold you when you're sad. someone to kiss away the tears. someone to celebrate life with. someone to stay with you through the years. someone to mark the years with. it's work, but i've found that it makes that giddy feeling even more special.
average jane signing off...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
when it comes to dreams, there are two basic beliefs about why we have dreams and what they mean.
belief 1: dreams mean nothing, it is jsut random. it is just an epiphenomenon that is the mental activity that occurs during REM sleep.
belief 2: dreams have a meaning. we dream because either we need to declutter our minds, our subconcious is trying to speak to us, or we have problems from our daily lives that our mind couldn't work through while concious, so we have dreams to work them out. This is just putting this belief in simple terms.
myself, i have always followed with belief two. i believed that our minds are trying to tell us something or we have something that our mind needed to work out when it was concentrating on the other dozen items we do during the day. it made sense to me to believe this way. from having dreams so simple where i couldn't find a bathroom in my dream and waking up to find i needed to use the bathroom, to slightly more complex dreams of being naked for some reason while i was in public in school or the mall or someplace - which i interpreted that i was trying so hard to be someone else to fit in, i was afraid to show who i really was, afraid to be me with no mask on (signifying the nakedness)- i really believed that my dreams told me something. i found that in some dreams i could even wake myself up, especially in some scary ones..
another set of dreams i liked were the ones where i would meet a handsome stranger, and a romantic tale would ensue. whether in modern times, or in medieval times where i was a princess. this all was just my true desires in life. i wanted to be in a fairytale, i wanted to be in the stories that i read. i wanted adventure, something more to my life. and i found my escape in books, and my escape came real in my dreams.
however, sometimes, i find i would rather believe in belief #1 when it comes to some dreams. i find that the meaning i find from some dreams, i would rather believe were jsut random, not something that my mind needed to work out, or some secret desire i have hidden until my subconcious brings it into my dreams. i don't want to believe that such things lie within me. can they? or are these just really random dreams? with no significance. i would like to believe this, but i can't... so i just write them down, and push them from my mind, hoping that these dreams are not revealing a side of me i'd rather not know about.
anyhoo....dreams are interesting things..
average jane signing off...
belief 1: dreams mean nothing, it is jsut random. it is just an epiphenomenon that is the mental activity that occurs during REM sleep.
belief 2: dreams have a meaning. we dream because either we need to declutter our minds, our subconcious is trying to speak to us, or we have problems from our daily lives that our mind couldn't work through while concious, so we have dreams to work them out. This is just putting this belief in simple terms.
myself, i have always followed with belief two. i believed that our minds are trying to tell us something or we have something that our mind needed to work out when it was concentrating on the other dozen items we do during the day. it made sense to me to believe this way. from having dreams so simple where i couldn't find a bathroom in my dream and waking up to find i needed to use the bathroom, to slightly more complex dreams of being naked for some reason while i was in public in school or the mall or someplace - which i interpreted that i was trying so hard to be someone else to fit in, i was afraid to show who i really was, afraid to be me with no mask on (signifying the nakedness)- i really believed that my dreams told me something. i found that in some dreams i could even wake myself up, especially in some scary ones..
another set of dreams i liked were the ones where i would meet a handsome stranger, and a romantic tale would ensue. whether in modern times, or in medieval times where i was a princess. this all was just my true desires in life. i wanted to be in a fairytale, i wanted to be in the stories that i read. i wanted adventure, something more to my life. and i found my escape in books, and my escape came real in my dreams.
however, sometimes, i find i would rather believe in belief #1 when it comes to some dreams. i find that the meaning i find from some dreams, i would rather believe were jsut random, not something that my mind needed to work out, or some secret desire i have hidden until my subconcious brings it into my dreams. i don't want to believe that such things lie within me. can they? or are these just really random dreams? with no significance. i would like to believe this, but i can't... so i just write them down, and push them from my mind, hoping that these dreams are not revealing a side of me i'd rather not know about.
anyhoo....dreams are interesting things..
average jane signing off...
Monday, June 29, 2009
i'm trying :)
so hey.... i know i promised to blog more so here i am to write a little before i head off to class :) lol
so the past week suprisingly has gone by fast.... lol but pretty much all that i do now is go to class in the mornings and work at night.... lol can't wait til i don't have to work this job... lol it's an alright job when i have some project to do, or customers to help... but otherwise its boring..
but i've been working on studying for a test i need to take. so far it looks like i need lots more studying lol.... i do that on my free time at work... lol my work practically pays me to educate myself. it's awesome :) lol that's one good thing about having nothing to do. but then i sometimes have to watch out for the head guys at work, cuz they don't like us doing it. but my main supervisor doesn't seem to mind.
so.... taylorsville dayzz celebration was this weekend :) lol it was fun :) i got to watch a parade and run out in the street to get candy they threw out from the floats and cars :) lol jay thought i looked like a little kid doing so lol... but i had fun
then there was fireworks that night... saturday that is. i love watching fireworks. it was weird to think that just a year ago, me and jay were still dating and i had invited him to come to the fireworks with me :) wow.... it's so crazy :) lol
anyhoo, better pack up for class!!! i'll write more later this week :)
so the past week suprisingly has gone by fast.... lol but pretty much all that i do now is go to class in the mornings and work at night.... lol can't wait til i don't have to work this job... lol it's an alright job when i have some project to do, or customers to help... but otherwise its boring..
but i've been working on studying for a test i need to take. so far it looks like i need lots more studying lol.... i do that on my free time at work... lol my work practically pays me to educate myself. it's awesome :) lol that's one good thing about having nothing to do. but then i sometimes have to watch out for the head guys at work, cuz they don't like us doing it. but my main supervisor doesn't seem to mind.
so.... taylorsville dayzz celebration was this weekend :) lol it was fun :) i got to watch a parade and run out in the street to get candy they threw out from the floats and cars :) lol jay thought i looked like a little kid doing so lol... but i had fun
then there was fireworks that night... saturday that is. i love watching fireworks. it was weird to think that just a year ago, me and jay were still dating and i had invited him to come to the fireworks with me :) wow.... it's so crazy :) lol
anyhoo, better pack up for class!!! i'll write more later this week :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
a new start
Well, it's not really a new start.... just seems like it. it's been a while since i've posted... and the other blog i was gonna start posting more on, well , it is still down. and i really jsut felt like blogging today. probably should start with a recap of whats been going on in life since i last posted... well the important stuff...
so i last posted december. wow.... so long ago... thats about when i stopped really writing in my journal too... just kind of got busy i guess. Well, i survived the new years celebrations... which means i fell asleep at like 11 pm.... lol but it was my first new years being married :) lol so weird still to think of all these firsts. but then i quit my job and was done at steve regan co. on january 30th. I was going to school at the time and they had already paid for my semester, so i was set! it was awesome. so the classes i had were math 1010, chem 1010, and hlac 1096, which is a p.e. class... he he... i took it online !!! it was awesome :) but i passed all my classes with straight A's :) i was so proud of myself :) lol my first 4.0 since i began high school :)
but in about may i started a new job. :) i work now at the Bookstore at the University i will attend in fall. i work up in textbooks, which means i organize books and such... and help ppl find their books for their classes. right now it's really dead cuz its summer.... so dead... lol but the best part of the job will be having a job close to school in the fall... actually, the best part will be that i get to "check out" my textbooks, in a manner of speaking, when i start classes next fall. meaning i don't have to pay a cent for textbooks, i just borrow them from the bookstore and return them come end of semester. it will save me so much money... and i am so lucky...
oh i forgot to mention! i attended graduation at SLCC as a graduate. I am so stoked :) i can't wait to really be done there. they had the actual ceremony on May 8th. but i don't graduate until i finish these two classes i have this semester. i have math 1050 and soc 2370. my soc class is called Gender in Society. it is really a fun class.... i've only had two classes so far of it, but the professor is very knowledgable and says things that really makes you think.... it's really a good thing...
but yeah... so i will start at the U in the fall. i am so stoked! this is what i've dreamed of doing since i started high school. especially when my brother started there before his mission. but i will be majoring in English for certain. i am debating about whether to also minor in psychology or sociology. and also wondering if i should just do a double major and do it in either psychology or sociology.... seeing as i will be taking enough classes on my own just to fill spaces where i can't take english classes ... but yeah :)
as you can see, life is going good :) i can't imagine jay not being in it.
oh! i should update with how to things are with jay a bit. well, his work contract expires in august, so he is starting to apply for jobs around here... make sure that if they don't renew the contract, that he has something. i know he can find a job, cuz he is an incredibly smart man... lol it's awesome :) i am proud of him :) i don't think i mentioned that he passed 2 0r 3, i think, tests that he didn't think he would. it has brought him so close to getting all the certs you can get in the computer, or IT , business :) it's been great. Good job jay...
but life is fun, crazy busy. still, i promise i'll be on here at least once a week to update :)
averagejane signing off...
so i last posted december. wow.... so long ago... thats about when i stopped really writing in my journal too... just kind of got busy i guess. Well, i survived the new years celebrations... which means i fell asleep at like 11 pm.... lol but it was my first new years being married :) lol so weird still to think of all these firsts. but then i quit my job and was done at steve regan co. on january 30th. I was going to school at the time and they had already paid for my semester, so i was set! it was awesome. so the classes i had were math 1010, chem 1010, and hlac 1096, which is a p.e. class... he he... i took it online !!! it was awesome :) but i passed all my classes with straight A's :) i was so proud of myself :) lol my first 4.0 since i began high school :)
but in about may i started a new job. :) i work now at the Bookstore at the University i will attend in fall. i work up in textbooks, which means i organize books and such... and help ppl find their books for their classes. right now it's really dead cuz its summer.... so dead... lol but the best part of the job will be having a job close to school in the fall... actually, the best part will be that i get to "check out" my textbooks, in a manner of speaking, when i start classes next fall. meaning i don't have to pay a cent for textbooks, i just borrow them from the bookstore and return them come end of semester. it will save me so much money... and i am so lucky...
oh i forgot to mention! i attended graduation at SLCC as a graduate. I am so stoked :) i can't wait to really be done there. they had the actual ceremony on May 8th. but i don't graduate until i finish these two classes i have this semester. i have math 1050 and soc 2370. my soc class is called Gender in Society. it is really a fun class.... i've only had two classes so far of it, but the professor is very knowledgable and says things that really makes you think.... it's really a good thing...
but yeah... so i will start at the U in the fall. i am so stoked! this is what i've dreamed of doing since i started high school. especially when my brother started there before his mission. but i will be majoring in English for certain. i am debating about whether to also minor in psychology or sociology. and also wondering if i should just do a double major and do it in either psychology or sociology.... seeing as i will be taking enough classes on my own just to fill spaces where i can't take english classes ... but yeah :)
as you can see, life is going good :) i can't imagine jay not being in it.
oh! i should update with how to things are with jay a bit. well, his work contract expires in august, so he is starting to apply for jobs around here... make sure that if they don't renew the contract, that he has something. i know he can find a job, cuz he is an incredibly smart man... lol it's awesome :) i am proud of him :) i don't think i mentioned that he passed 2 0r 3, i think, tests that he didn't think he would. it has brought him so close to getting all the certs you can get in the computer, or IT , business :) it's been great. Good job jay...
but life is fun, crazy busy. still, i promise i'll be on here at least once a week to update :)
averagejane signing off...
good life,
hubby updates,
new jobs,
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