well, here's another update. so my date was okay last night. kind of odd. but okay. and i guess it made me realize that i can only be friends with guy#2 that i mentioned. so that's it. but yeah lifes okay. and i'm moving on. i guess it's time to use my inner strength and be on my own. cuz i left myself be too easily influended by others and what they do. i'm needing to stand on my own two feet and make my decisions by what i believe. i found that last night that i kind of just went with things that i wasn't so sure of. i'm good though and i can be strong. life will be awsome.
average jane signing off. :D
Yeah...we as humans are way too impressionable. We have to fight that. Hope it works for you, and if you need help or encouragement, you know where to find me!
thanx. it's mostly my journey now though. :P whether i like it or not.
Well, I'm with you, all the same. ;-D
thanx that really means a lot. just knowing you're there for me means a great deal. cuz it'll be hard but i have to find my path on my own before i can really do anything else. so far it's frustrating, but fun. i'll blog about it. :D
Finding your own path is hard. Trust me.
But I'm here if you ever need any help, or just need to talk to someone, I'm always just a click away. ;-D
oh good. i think i'm working things through though.
I wish you the best!
thanx. i'm gonna need it with some things right now. like catching up in school. ugh....
Eew...same here. :-/
yeah i've missed too much school and i'm almost failing a few classes. but i think i'm pulling up. slowly....
How have you missed some of school?
i missed about two weeks of school when i went to san fran. and with some of my classes being college classes, it's oober hard to make up. ugh. but i'm catching up. slowly, very slowly...
You're already in college????
not yet. just i have some concurrent enrollment classes at high school, which are college classes where i earn college credit for a whole lot cheaper than real college... sometimes it's way too difficult. sometimes way easy.... but it's all good.
Oh, that...yeah, I get it. Sorry. I wondered if that's what you meant. ;-D
hey it's all good. in a few months i will be in college......scary thought. *shudder* but at the same time, i guess it's exciting....i dunno...
Exciting? I thought scary made more sense.
well scary to think i'm that old already. but exciting to do something new and get away from the drama of high school. *eyeroll*
Well, I see what you mean...a bit of both.
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