Sunday, June 10, 2007

a public notice and just life...

okay so i was just accused of not publicly admitting that i have been in the wrong. i thought i had, but it appears maybe not. so here i go. these past few months, there has been turmoil between a former friend and i. but we were both in the wrong. first off, i felt like she was choosing her boyfriend over our friendship. so i became upset and defensive. which just put a bigger strain on our friendship. which was very stupid of me. i admit that i was in the wrong right there. very much so. and at other times i did act like a brat. again i was in the wrong. i was never the one who was always the good guy. but while i reacted like that, my friend just pulled farther away. we both avoided the issue. and in the end, it has killed our relationship. so basically we'll never speak again. this final end though came about by a stupid action on my part. but ya know, things happen in life for a reason. so i guess the only thing to do is to just move on. i think my former friend is serious this time. and i kind of yelled at her in an email, so that probably didn't help. and her fiance which i didnt' care to talk to anyways, well, i told to get out of my life. so i think that is the last i will hear from them. i hope my former friend is happy now that i have publicly admitted that i was in the wrong too. oh one last thought. i forgot to add this to her email, but i will add it here. sorry, my former friend, but i'm not sure you'll even read the first email so i won't bother with a second. i will keep my piercing in to remind myself that i must depend on myself and make a statement on my own. i made the choice by myself. so that's all i need say. now moving on.

so i'm finally getting over my sickness. and i'm loving my new job. and i'm really just moving on past guys and depending on ppl. i'm slowly finding that i really only have myself to depend on. so yeah. tha's life. well, i g2g. life moves quickly.

average jane signing off.


Unknown said...

Well Amy....

First it's good that you admitted your side. Even though it stings sometimes, we all have to do it. I've seriously screwed up before....

I do hope that things can be mended, though. Like you said though, I don't know if that'll happen...I've done stupid things and been cut off because of my actions before.

All I really know is that I'll still be friends with you all.

And yeah, I also keep on finding that I'm pretty much an outcast in this place. I don't really fit in anywhere, so far...not that I want to fit in everywhere...but I also feel like I can't depend on others too much. Then again, I naturally don't trust many people.

Anyways, that was all rather confusing, so if it comes off all freaky, ignore it. ;-D

jane said...

yeah i admit my wrongs. i'm sorry to anyone who i wasn't honest or open about it all before. i thought i was, but i really was wrong.

but, i dont think it can be mended this time. i pushed too far. and i was in the wrong completely. this time. but it's for the best that it's just ended. cuz there has been too much drama, and maybe i've caused a lot of it. so this way i don't let it happen again. and steph can not be let down by me.

but it'll be okay in time. i wish her the best... it's the least i can say..

but yeah i don't really fit in too well... but i learn to adapt. if you could see me now i would have just shrugged. cuz i've learned not to let it matter.