so hey, like i mentioned in an earlier post, i got the full time job and i am loving it. it's really not interrupting my life altogether too much right now. and the bonus of it all that i found out today....the owner, steve harmsen, will pay my tuition for college!! and i get my books free cuz my mom works at the bookstore at slcc. so basically there might be a few fees, but otherwise, i am set for college. now i know there was so a reason i took this job. not only would it be good pay, but it would literally be paying for college to work there. honestly, this is the first i've heard of it and i'm amzed. but yeah... well other news.
so there's this cute guy at work named robert. he works in the warehouse dept. but so i officially met him, like in asking him his name like two days ago. but, so we have talked and joked. and done the whole little smile at each other for the past few days. but then today he was up front getting sumthin, and he was like, 'so amy, do you have a boyfriend?' and i didnt' hear him at first so i said huh? and he repeated his question and i said, 'no.' and he kind of looked glad to hear that and acted partially interested. but then he went back to the warehouse, and ended up coming back like 20 min. later. he hung around for a sec. looking like he wanted to talk to me. but i had blake on one side of me, a customer across the counter and like two other ppl by me. and so he kind of left. so i think he may have come to ask me out, then chickened out. or decided to wait til later. but then we closed, and we all headed out, all gone by half an hour later. so yeah. but he's cute, and it's funny, cuz he has some crazy ex-girlfriend that tries to call him at work sometimes. lol anyhoo...
well that's all for today.
average jane signing off...
FREE college???? Amy, that's so not fair!
Robert? Ha ha, you might call it "chickening" out (we guys do that!), but wouldn't it have been worse for him to interrupt you and lay out personal stuff like that? Didn't think so. ;-D
Ha ha ha... let me know how it goes!
lol will do....:D
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