Wednesday, July 11, 2007

guys and what to do

this past day i have done so much thinking. actually its been more than just the past day. but the majority of my thinking has come together today. cuz me and chris are getting more serious. and there is that lovely little alarm going off in me, like it did in my relationship with dave. and i'm beginning to ask myself what the hell i'm getting into. and i'm starting to freak a bit. and you wouldn't guess it at all from how i've been acting. like me and chris spend so much time together. and he's such a sweetheart. and i hate to admit that my sister was right, but i enjoy kissing. and so does chris. he kisses me a good amount. anyhoo, but the point is, he's getting attached to me and seems head over heels in love with me, per se. and i really like him, but i see the other guys at work, like cody and art, and i wonder what i'm getting into if i become serious with chris. like i really like cody, and he's so cute and he's a nice guy. and i also don't want to bring up chris' hopes so much that i hurt him and break his heart. cuz that would break mine. so i think that i just need to tell him that we need to take things slower. and just enjoy it without expecting anything beyond dating as friends. but yeah....

so that's my life right now. and i'm doing great. cuz i have a good guy in my life. and he makes me laugh. and smile. also i have a great job that allows me money to have fun and do things with friends...

well i got to go...

average jane signing off! : P


The Warrior said...

Hmm...if you need anything, lemme know, okay?

As a bit of unsolicited advice, I'd say just be honest with him. No matter what, just tell him the truth. It'll be best for him, now, and in the end.


jane said...

thanx a million spencer!! i was mostly honest with him. and i'm doing it little by little and he's taking it good...everyone else keeps tellin me to be honest and it'll be okay. i think it took hearing it from you and my friend holly to get me to do it!!! thanks bunches@!! love you!

Unknown said...

Awww...I influence you? What a burden!

jane said...

lol you silly person!! :D

The Warrior said...

Lol, I inherited it from you! You rub off on me! So it's all your fault, nyah!
