so not much really to write... but still having issues with my friend to be married. i thought that maybe i could resolve them and i thought that when we hung out a week ago, that it would be better. but if anything, it made me realize that things really won't ever be the same. i am not even sure i can handle being more than just sort of friends. cuz i know that we won't ever be best friends again. it's just not possible. too much has happened between us and we've both grown apart in the past few months... but i guess that's how life is. it's going to be okay... i really don't know why i don't feel more broken up about this. maybe cuz i saw it coming. and that in the end, i really am just a loner. someone who likes to be on my own without ppl to mess things up.
but i think i'm gonna move up in my job at steve regan company. the lady who does the hiring talked to me today, and kind of alluded to that. but we'll see next week she said.
graduation is this friday and i finally sent out invitations yesterday. i know, i procrastinate a lot. but those who are already coming didn't really need to get one, but it's more of a formality... so yeah. but i sent some to friends that will either be graduating with me or won't be coming anyways, but just wanted to send a friendly invitation to say that i consider them a friend...but yeah. well, now i'm jsut babbling.
but, so i'm watching harry potter 3 for the thirty millionth time. no surprise, cuz i love that movie. but hmm.... i just think harry potter is really his real name is daniel radcliffe. but i also find orlando bloom really gorgeous too.
so i've been thinking about darion a lot lately. in fact i dreamt about him too. and the thing is i haven't seen him at all since sunday. which is odd, but at the same time not cuzit's the end of school and i'm not at school much. but i wonder why i keep thinking about him. i don't know. it's not like he's made any move to show that he wants anything other than friendship. and like my friend said, "i don't chase boys, boys chase me." i want to think that...but here i am pining over a guy who it appears doesn't want to be more than friends...cuz he isn't making any move. so i guess...yup my life is just normal and kind of sucks in the romance department. surprise, not....
I got your invitation today. ^_^ I'm gonna try to be there, but no guarantees.... ;-P
But yeah... when I go a while without seeing someone I like, I think about them more. I mean, I think about them a lot when I see them a lot, too, but not seeing them just has this... effect, I guess. There's something in psychology called the mere exposure effect, where the more time you spend around someone or something, the more you grow to like them. Perhaps this is true even with just thinking about them? I dunno. Interesting thought, though. ;-) better be there!! :D lol ;) cuz it's your graduation too!!....
"but i sent some to friends that will either be graduating with me or won't be coming anyways, but just wanted to send a friendly invitation to say that i consider them a friend...but yeah. well, now i'm jsut babbling."
You are so sweet. You don't know what that meant to me.
BTW, it's still Dr. Paleo, I just have two accounts now. :-P that's cool. i just wondered if you had just changed your screen name... :D
I have two now, if you'd like the other one.
umm...i just like the one that says spencer only for the fact that it tells your name...kind of cool..don't really know why.
I meant email address, but if you like Spencer I can switch to that from now on for the most part if you like?
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