Tuesday, May 22, 2007

a public thank you

hey i am okay. i'm just not gonna have expectations for anyone anymore. once again it's just that friends disappoint. mabye it's partly me just getting to emotional. ... and im just disappointed in guys in general. i've let myself be disappointed for far too long. it's time i face up to reality. and i really am gonna try this time. so i'm kind of just gonna be acquaintances/friends with most ppl, and nothing more. except for those i truly know that can stand the trials and such of friendship. one that comes to mind is nathan. nathan and i have gone through our share of trials and i know that nothing can change us being best friends. i don't talk to him as much as i would like. but i just know that he's always there and truly cares. i've thought so this way with so many others over my life so far, but i was wrong almost every time. and with another friend, he's also just always there, making sure i'm okay. sending me emails. doing what he can to make sure i'm okay. others may say that's creepy as we've never met, but somedays, it's totally what i need. i want to feel accepted and loved, no matter how hard i try to say i can make it on my own. and he makes me feel accepted, appreciated...

this isn't a post to point fingers or criticize. it's simply to say that i'm grateful for the two ppl in my life that i really trust most and know that will always be there for me. an email from one of them really got me to writing this, because i was explaining part of this to them. but yeah. so i really am okay. i'm moving on, yet holding on to my dear friends....

average jane signing off.( friends are truly angels...)


Nathan said...

I must say, I feel truly honored. But, we have been through a whole heap together over the past few years. It's really something to look back on.

You'd better believe I'm here. Don't even wait for an e-mail or a phone call, or anything--you can just come to me, and I'll be here. I know you'd do the same for me. :-)

jane said...

you should feel honored. and we have been through so much these past few years. hard to believe it's only been 3yrs. feels like i've know you forever...

The Warrior said...

I feel...quite honored myself. I always find myself wondering, if I dropped off the planet right now, who would really care? How many people are "friends" with me just because I'm "friends" with them? If I didn't make any attempts at being friends with them, would they try, or not? How many people really care about me, for who I am? Selfish view, I know, but sometimes I just can't help wondering.

I am immensely blessed, honored and touched that you, Amy, are my friend, and consider me yours. I don't need to wonder if you're a friend or not. I already have my answer. And I also should say that I really am incredibly glad that you know I'm here for you at any time you need me. Too few people recognize that. I just want to help.

That's it, we're friends for life!

I must admit I did recognize parts of the post, too. ;-P

I love you!


jane said...

lol it was when i was writing the email to you that i realized that i wanted to say some of this on my blog. so you get it doubly! :D feel special. and i so would care if you dropped off the face of the earth!!

The Warrior said...

Awww.... *blushes* You're so sweet! Thanks. :-)

jane said...

well, i know i'm amzing!!! it's just how i am. j/k. but i guess i just appear more amzing and sweet when i talk to you. you bring out the best in me, i guess....

The Warrior said...

Awwww...you make me feel loved. :-)

But you ARE amazing, and sweet to boot!!!!

jane said...

awww...now you make me feel loved...:D *blushes profusely*

The Warrior said...

I like to make girls blush. Just ask Courtney. :-D