Thursday, March 27, 2008

friend update

hullo!!! just wanted to update on the situtation with my friend julian. i went to the hospital yesterday to visit him. he was transferred out of ICU on tuesday some time. and he said he expected to be released today, thursday. he looked way good! lol except for the fact that he was kind of stiff. but he went through a pretty scary experience for someone of his age, but he has pulled through and will be okay!!! thanx to all the prayers that went out for him!!!

average jane signing off!

Monday, March 24, 2008

easter stuff and prayers

so i hope you all had a fantastic easter! mine was pretty good up until 10 pm last night... so i had an easter party at my aunts house on saturday afternoon and one of our traditions is to have leg races. there are three types we do. the typical just all out sprint. then the three legged race and the gunny sack races. well, i won the sprint race for my age group! lol i was in the 18 or older women group, who hadn't had kids yet. lol the married ladies insisted on a separate group for them that had had kids lol!! but i won! i was slow gettin off, but once i got going i was goin! LOL but now i'm paying for it today lol my legs are sore! but i couldn't be more proud! lol but the three legged race i do every year with my cousin tamra. it's tradition, cuz we are really close, great friends lol. but also, no matter that she is like 6 yrs younger than me, we've always been the same heighth. lol her family jsut has really tall kids lol. but yeah....then saturday night i went and saw the movie juno. it was really good to be honest. it was a bit different than i thought it was gonna be like, but it was really good. two lines that really stood out to me, was an exchange between the main character, Juno, and her dad. she just told her dad and stepmom that she is pregnant. and they kind of are absorbing it. then her dad says, "i thought you were the kind of girl that knew when to say when." then Juno says, " i don't know what kind of girl i am." like those lines just totally connected with me...

anyhoo, but i went to the movie with my friend tyler. we had a riot! lol he is just a goof! lol but yeah...

but then on sunday of course the easter bunny came lol. it was good...but then i just kind of caught up on homework and cleaned my room and did my laundry. oh and of course went to church... but then i was ready to turn in at about 10:00 pm...but then i get this text from my friend tyler. pretty much it said please put Julian in your prayers. and pray he will be okay. this made me worried and of course i texted tyler back to find out what was wrong. turns out our friend julian has a virus in his heart and is in intensive care at the new hospital! so of course, even though i'm not that religious, i said a prayer for him. this morning i asked my family at family prayer that whoever's turn it was to pray, if they would include julian in their prayers.

so now i ask all of you that will read this, please put and keep my friend julian in your prayers. pray that he will pull through this and the doctors can find out how to help him. pray that they can find a way to get through all of this.


averagejane signing off...