Monday, December 18, 2006

random ramblings! lol

so yeah. i've really decided that i'm not ready for something serious, as in a relationship with a guy. for i have so many conflicting thoughts that i can't just act on any of them and not hurt anyone with my actions. and it really sucks.

but my great friend stephanie, aka liberty belle, really made my day. we have this academy classes together and we laugh tonz. i can most seriously say that my bestest friend is steph. and so that really is a happy thought. i was just at her house and i got to talk to a friend on msn messenger. and it was cool, cuz i haven't had msn messenger for a while. sadly. but, at the same time i felt that with every word i spoke i think i might have giving this person false hope that i am ready for a real relationship. and i hope this person knows i just want to be friends. and anyhoo.

well i gotta go perform in a bit here. unfortunately. cuz i wish i could stay on the net all night! i really live on the net. but, i gotta go. thanx to all my friends for all they do.

average jane signing off! (i love you steph! :D )


The Warrior said...

I'd like to hear you perform, Amy!

Stephanie said...

Amy! I love you! Yesterday was a blast! I'm oober glad we spent almost all day together. Like from 11 to like... 6:15 and then At like 8 to like 10 I wasn't with you technically but I was watching you perform!

You guys did amazing by the way! I absolutely loved it!

I'm glad that we have each other to make days better and tears fade into smiles because honestly, that's what best friends are for. And I hope that you can figure out what's going on and what you want out of life, and that I can figure out the same things.

Anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Much love!



Steph's Hubby said...

You did a great job. I'm sorry that I didn't stay longer.

jane said...

thanx everyone! and spencer. we didn't do that great. though, o come emmanuel must have been awsome cuz we kind of did a surround sound kind of thing.:D

Steph's Hubby said...

It was awesome.