Saturday, April 28, 2007

confusing boys and silly work

yeah so i got a call from my temp job last year and the year previously. they called to ask if i could come work for them cuz they were shorthanded this season. and well, i already had a job, but they asked if i could work saturdays, cuz i don't work saturdays at my other job. so i said sure, it would give me a break from just filing. cuz the job they wanted me to do was work at this place called lambert floral. it's a garden shop. and i was in charge of organizing and keeping the tables full of tomato plants. there were other plants that i eventually became in charge of.. like peppers and cukes, and melons, and herbs. so i became quite good at it. but anyhoo. so i went back and worked my first saturday today. i worked from 10am to about 7pm. it was so tiring. i had forgotten how much i ached after a day of work there. but at the same time, it was good to work with my hands and not really worry about getting dirty, cuz i knew i'd be filthy by the time i went home. i was quite a sight to say the least.... we'll leave it at that. but i don't know why i mentioned that anymore...

but so, other news..... well really not much new. so i had some really interesting conversations last night with a few friends... let's just say one could not shut up about the new love of their it was actually quite entertaining. and then the other, well, we had a pretty random conversation. but it was good, cuz we decided that we weren't gonna lose contact after graduation. cuz that would be the worst.... i'm using a lot of dots and i dont' know why..... but moving on..

so, life sucks in the romantic department....i've decided that over the past month.... like my sophomore friend is having more "romance" than i do. it's kind of depressing. but i still love her. :D lol like i have one guy friend that i like, but not really sure if i can trust him. cuz i thought he really liked me a little while ago, but then ended up being kind of a jerk. it sucked. but then things he's done lately makes me wonder if he does like me for real in "that way" as in more than a friend... like well, i was walking home from school with him just a few days ago. and then i got mad at him sorta and said whatever liar face. and he said " i love you amy." and it just kind of caught me off guard...... but well, i guess i don't know how to read into this. so i'm confused. and then he said it again like two days later when we were walking home. and so i really kind of like him.... and i don't know what to do. so i kinda am just gonna go with the flow. but yeah.

so that's my update. later

average jane signing off. (i'm so confused)


The Warrior said...

Hey, I worked 10:30-7:00 today!!! Ha ha! Read my blog if you wanna know how blah my day was...:-D

But I find girls very confusing. Guess it's the same way with you about guys, huh?

I'm here to talk if you like...just be careful...if you don't think you can trust him, it smells bad to me....

Love you!


jane said...

hey maybe i will!! :D

but ppl in general are confusing. guys are jsut more confusing to me. and i'm just not gonna pursue anything with it right now.

but yeah i don't know if i can trust him. i'll just play it safe. and it's not trust as in anything dangerous, just my feelings in general...

love you too. thanx :D

The Warrior said...

I hope you do! I've missed your visits to my blog. :-P

jane said...

lol i'm checking it out now.... i just have been oober busy with barely time to update my blog!:D

The Warrior said...

True, and I understand. But that doesn't mean I can't miss ya. ;-D

jane said...

lol you have every right to miss me! makes me feel good! :D

The Warrior said...

And I fully exercize my rights, too. ;-D

jane said...

lol good! excersize your rights away!! :D

The Warrior said...

I do all the time, Amy. All the time....

jane said...

:) awww..

The Warrior said...
