Tuesday, April 24, 2007

hullloo!! it's great to be back!!!

hey you all!!! yeah i'm back after a frickin long vacation!!!! :D san fran was amzing. im so glad that i got to go there twice!! and yeah i did go through with piercing my ears again. all three of us did. and i have to say, my second piercing looks good. and i really thought my parents would flip, but they didn't. it was more of a "i'm disappointed in you" look that i got. and we didn't talk about it. my sis said that my mom looked about to cry. and my lil' sis did cry when i told her. wierd. anyhoo, san fran was amzing. i really could live there for a while, though i was glad to get back to my nice bed. :D lol and other news, well my second trip to san fran was for choir. and guess how we did. well, all of our three choirs won first in our categories!!! we got superior ratings!! lol. the other choirs must have really sucked for us to win first place, cuz when we listend to the tapes of our selves, we sounded terrible. lol really funny to listen to and laugh at ourselves! but also there was a three way tie for the overall best high school choir, all choirs from the same school!!!! and that was......taylorsville high school!!! yeah. shows that graces is just as good as stupid madrigals!!!! hooray!!! oober funn.... but on a somber note, my friend found out during the awards ceremony that her grandpa died. he had died that morning. i felt so sad. and she hasn't been to school these past two days so i hope she's doing okay. and her mom.

anyhoo. as of other news, well, i just have to say taht my family finally came into the 21st century and got comcast cable high speed internet@!!!!!!! hooray!! yeah they got it while i was gone in san fran. so freakin awsome!!! ;D but yeah so it makes things faster. but it means that i don't have my at&t email address anymore. i'm working on getting possibly a comcast email. but for now i'm using my yahoo address, since i already have it. but i might get a comcast email. we'll see. but i just have to say i missed you all while i was gone, especially spencer! thanx again for all those emails, i really felt loved to see them in my inbox! :D anyhoo, that's all for now!!! let you all know more as things happen!!

average jane signing off!! (today is a good day, so far!)


The Warrior said...

Well, I'm just glad that I could make you feel loved! You should feel like that every day. :-D

jane said...

awww....thanx. you now just made me feel oober loved!! lol but some days i so do not feel loved. but i'm okay, i survive.

The Warrior said...

Well then on those days you need to talk to me, because I always love you! No matter what. :-)

Stephanie said...

I'm glad you had a great time Amy! And congratulations to your choirs again. Go Graces! You guys rock! Love you muchos!

jane said...

lol thanx spencer. love you too.

and stephanie luv ya too. you guys are awsome!!!

The Warrior said...

You're more than welcome. Just happy to be with you, even over the net. ;-D

jane said...

lol even though it's just over the net, it's better than nothing. :D honestly. glad i met ya.

The Warrior said...

Oh...Amy you're so sweet. :-) You're one source of happiness in my life, so I am very glad that we met. :-D

jane said...

oh thanx spencer you totally made my night!!!! you are so sweet and i'm glad that we still talk. and you are a great source of happiness in my life too@!!! :D

The Warrior said...

Oh my gosh...Amy you're so...well, sweet!!!!

You didn't need to say that...but I have to admit you sometimes make me feel so wonderful. :-P

jane said...

well then i guess we both do each other a lot of help. cuz it's been like each day kind of sucks at the end and reading your comments really brings me up. glad i can make you feel wonderful, like you truly are..

The Warrior said...

Aaaaaahhhh....you're sooooo sweeeeeeeet!!! :-")

jane said...

thanx you just made me smile real big!!!! totally made my day, cuz it's been stupid as usual! no surprise there..... ;D

The Warrior said...

Awww...how come your days are often stupid? Can you fix them maybe?

And you're welcome. ;D

jane said...

well i get stressed lots because of school and parental issues. i've been trying to get the hang of meditation but not quite working. maybe i need to try harder.... and maybe if i stopped procrastinatin...*sheepish smile*

The Warrior said...

Meditation?!? You mean the squat-cross-legged yoga stuff?

jane said...

sort of yeah....it's kind of hard to focus and think about nothing, cuz my mind runs 20,000 miles a minute

The Warrior said...

Amy...! Don't do that! I think I want to talk to you....

jane said...

lol so you want to me to still have issues so that i talk to you? you should know that i will talk to you even if i don't have isssues.. i like talking to you! :D

The Warrior said...

I want you to have issues? Huh? :-?

jane said...


The Warrior said...

Lol, I don't want you to have issues. You're cute. :-P