Tuesday, November 7, 2006

funny times

so yeah. tall guy approached my sister after school today. and i heard about it from her at home. she came up to me and said, "so i had someone ask me for a favor today." and i asked her, "oh, what?" she said," tall guy called my name and told me to stop and asked me something." and she went on to say, " tall guy asked me to talk to you and see how you felt about him." and i just burst out laughing. it was really funny. cuz tall guy just asked me yesterday himself. and it was really funny. he must actually like me. it's kind of cool. and it's kind of cute, for him to go to all the trouble of finding out how i feel about him.

anyhoo, so life's okay. and i am okay. i'm really excited about what may develop with tall guy. anyhoo, yeah whatev.

average jane signing off! (smile!)


Nathan said...

Ooh, that's exciting! You're lucky to not have a third party like mine. ;-) But I'm happy for you! Lemme know how it goes, k? (Though I'm sure you will anyway)

Nathan said...

Oh, and does he still think I'm funny looking?


Don't ask him that. lol

The Warrior said...

Third party? Huh?

And I feel so sorry for that guy...it took a lot to say that. I wouldn't lead him on, but...oh wait...none of my business...I wonder if I lead on girls...I'm always trying to be nice...but do I make girls think that, Amy? Man-to-girl? (:-P) Be honest.

jane said...

well, if you read my new post, it's not me leading him on, but possibly the other way around. and nathan, unfortunately there is a third party. and he likes her too. ugh! guys suck!

The Warrior said...

I didn't mean you leading him on. He needs an nice broad imprint of my knuckles across his forehead.

Sorry, but I'm just mad. I likely wouldn't punch unless I needed to....

P.S. Oh, I missed this so much!

jane said...

thanx. it makes me feel better to know you guys are outraged by this.

and i missed this too!

ps. oh and from what i know of you i don't think you lead girls on. you're jsut a naturally nice guy and really great to talk to!

The Warrior said...

Thanks, you're so sweet! You're just the sweetest of the sweetest, you know that? ;-P

And it's likely good I'm not in Utah, at your school and all...I wouldn't get along with this guy.

jane said...

awww.. thanx. i'm not that sweet.

but, yeah you wouldn't get along with this guy very well at all. he's a bit against religion. well, actually more like a lot. but, yeah you wouldn't get along. *eye roll*

The Warrior said...

Yet another reason to stay away from him. Why am I surprised?

And YOU can't deny my compliments, either, so THERE!!!!

jane said...

fine! i won't deny your compliments. hee hee! and yeah tall guy is somewhat of a jerk.

The Warrior said...


You tell me all that happened to me, and then you say SOMEWHAT?

I so don't like this guy.