Wednesday, December 27, 2006

sad nights

do you ever have those days when it seems like everything just is not right? when you feel like sometimes just living and simply existing is a waste? last night and actually right now, for no real apparant reason, i really feel that life is such a waste. last night i felt that i wish i could just sleep and not wake up. just live in my dream world. because more often than not, my dream world was better than reality. and also any book i read is always better than real life, because in the end boy and girl always fall in love. like i can't seem to figure out my own feelings. and i sure as hell haven't found that right guy yet. somedays i wish i could. but, i'm caught up in my romance novels, looking for that fairytale romance. and somehow i know that i won't find it. at least my head keeps telling me that. but, my heart is still looking.

last night, i had a slight headache, so i just decided to take some ibuprofen. i usually only take 4 at the most. but, last night i took 6 hoping that something might take away all my hurt and depression. i really was so down and there really was nothin i could do about it. i poured my heart out into my journal. yet i still was too far gone. this morning i woke up better. but, tonight already i'm down again. i swear i truly am bi-polar or something like that. and i still don't know what to do about it. sometimes it would be easier to just sleep and not wake up. hm...

average jane signing off. (don't worry, i'm okay for now...)


Steph's Hubby said...

I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be apologizing, but I can't help but to think that this is my fault.

Steph's Hubby said...

there are people who care. I'm sorry you're depressed, and if there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask or call or anything.

don't kill yourself.

Stephanie said...

oh my heck! AMY! How am I not supposed to worry?

I'm worrying like crazy right now.

I'm sure we'll talk about this tomorrow. But for now, I hope you're feeling much much better.

I love you! Please be safe!

The Warrior said...

Amy, be safe is right! SIX pills? Amy, you know better!

PLEASE take care of yourself. Don't wish to not wake up. Sometimes you get your wishes. Trust me, the most terrible moments of depression do pass. In our Lord, they pass. He takes all of our burdens, and carries them for us.

Please take care of yourself, and don't be sad.

Your friend for life,


jane said...

i didn't say i was gonna kill myself. i just took some extra pills to help me get rid of my headache faster.

The Warrior said...

That's not exactly what you said about it before.

Believe me, I see too many girls upset and very depressed.

Pull yourself out of this. You can. With God, you can. Not by yourself.

"I can do all things, through Christ who strengtheneth me."
-Phillippians 4:13

True faith can move mountains.

Amy, take care of yourself. Please. For me. For those who care about you.


jane said...

please. i don't want any religious shit. (sorry if that offends you but, it is how i feel.) religion connects with family and mine is basically stupid.