Tuesday, August 29, 2006

bad days

you know those days when you think everything is going wrong. and nothing can go right at all. well, today was that day. i go to get back on at my old job at the theater. but, unfortunately it was not to be. i go in and finally get ahold of who i need to talk to . but, then he tells me that i'm not rehirable. and i was really confused. i said what? and he said to me again that i'm not rehirable. there's a note on my file that says i'm not rehirable. i have no idea why i have that on my file. it pissed me off so bad. i was near tears because i was so upset. and those that know me, know that is really unlike me. my manager offered to find out what had made someone put that note. but, so i just left.i was so pissed. so i drove over to my friend's work, my friend army guy, and put in an application. so, yeah. and right now, i don't know what really to do. some of my friends would suggest praying. but ya know, i don't particularly believe in god. i don't want anything to do with religion. cuz i feel it's been shoved down my throat for the past 5-6 years. and i honestly wish i could find some reprieve from all this shit going on in my life. sometimes i feel that fate is working against me. damn i hate it so much. well, until new developments, average jane is signing off.


Nathan said...

Okay, so I won't suggest praying this time. ;-) I'll do it myself... fair? lol But yeah, we talked about this at lunch today so I really don't have much else to add. See ya tomorrow!

The Warrior said...

I'm so sorry! I wish I could help...but I don't think I can. I hate bad days and can totally sympathize with you there! Hope you get a good job!

jane said...

yeah bad days really suck. but, i think without the contrast between good and bad, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the good days and happy moments so much.

The Warrior said...

Hmm...did I just read a quotable statement? :-D

Elequently said, Jane!

jane said...

yeah sometimes you know these things just come to you. but, anyways it's the truest thing i've ever said.

The Warrior said...

Hai! Nae! Si! Dah! (That's a bunch of likely misspelled yes-es in foreign languages, lol!)