Saturday, June 9, 2007

thoughts that get me down

so today has just kind of been a whirlwind of things. steph emailed me to see if i still wanted to be her bridesmaid and such. and that i needed to be fitted if so. and to be honest. i don't really want to in some way because it means i would have to be around for the whole damn wedding. and i'm not sure that i can handle that. but then there is a part of me that wants to be there cuz she's my friend. but i'm really not sure i can be happy for her and be good for the whole deal, so i guess maybe i really just don't want to have to be there. i don't know. it's up to her whatever she decides. i'm just sick of hearing about her stupid wedding.

but i was first gonna come on and tell about how i'm beginning to have serious doubts about my second piercing. i mean, just the other day i was gonna wear one of my fav. pair of earrings. but, it didn't look good with the second piercing. and it's been more of a hassle some days to find earrings i like to wear in it. i don't know. i'm thinking of maybe taking it out. plus, this ear piercing links me to steph. but not in a good way. it just reminds me how i kind of felt like steph was just being a sheep in following us and still going through with it, even when it kind of got screwed up. maybe she really wanted it. but things that remind me of what our friendship used to be like kind of hurts. i'm not ready to be really reminded of how she chose dave over me...well, i g2g.

average jane signing off....

oh btw, i got an amzing present and letter from my great friend spencer. it really brightened my day and still does today.. thanx..

oh yeah the other day i did the bitch slap. i told them my friend's name saying she had the gall to marry my ex-boyfriend. it is so funny... cuz the dj was oober shocked and i laughed!! :D really felt good to do it...


Stephanie said...

I guess I'm glad you can be honest with the rest of the world but you feel it's right to spend your time with me lying to me. Well, at least I can find out the truth somewhere right?

You call me your friend but honestly, when have you really acted like my friend lately? You haven't to be honest.

How can you possibly be sick of hearing about my "stupid wedding" when I don't talk to you about it? Honestly, I talked to you about it that one day and I haven't really said anything about it to you again. The only thing that has even come up is whether or not you'll be my bridesmaid. Which is obviously a no now.

If you want no link to me, take the second piercing out. There will still be a scar there and you'll always be linked to me no matter what though. I already took mine out. Like two weeks ago. So I guess I was just being a sheep and following you and Shawnea. But oh well. I wasn't being a sheep and following leaving them in. I took them out of my own free will.

And if you really think it's your business to go on the radio and tell the whole world how dumb you are for being upset over something you gave me permission for, then do it. You're the one who's making a fool of yourself in my eyes. If you didn't want the possibility of me marrying Dave to happen, you never should have told me I could date him. I did ask. If you remember, and you told me yes. Which is where all the lies started. Oh what tangled webs we weave Amy...

And isn't it interesting that I'm always the bad guy? When have you ever admitted that you did something wrong publicly? You always blame me for everything that goes wrong in our friendship and I'm done with that. I'm done being your easy way out. Your easy target, your scapegoat. I'm done with all of it.

I'm glad you're getting pleasure out of "bitch slapping" me. but it didn't hurt me at all. It wouldn't have even if I had heard it.

Honestly, You were right in that e-mail you sent me. There's no way things in our friendship are going to get better. Especially when one of us is a backstabbing jerk. (I'm referring to you there in case you missed that one.)

If you're so sick of my wedding fine, don't expect to be invited either.

I'm done with this. As they would say in olden times, I'm washing my hands of you.

Thanks for the good times and the laughs. But I'm done. I can't handle this any more. It's not worth it now.

So you can live your happy little life and be rid of my "stupid wedding" and you never have to see me with Dave again. We'll be sure to steer clear of you.

I'll look back on the good times with pleasure, and try to forget the bad times. I'm sorry I ruined your life so much.

I'm afraid it's completely done this time. I'm done trying to forgive you for the pain and hurt you've caused me because believe it or not, it does go both ways. I'm not always the bad person here. And at least I don't have to air all my stuff to everyone publicly on a blog.

I'm so glad you feel I'm important enough for the world to hear about all of my horrible deeds and how awful of a person I am though.

Well, if you hate me that much and think I'm such a horrible awful person, I'm sure I'm doing you a favor by ending this now.

Bye Amy. Have a good life I guess. Not that I'm really praying for that one now...

Steph's Hubby said...

I don't see how this is any of your business. Danny was right in calling you an inconsiderate bitch. I was not justified in any way shape or form in telling him otherwise. He was a better friend to me than you have ever been or have the potential to ever be.
you dug yourself this grave, now do the world a favor and go die in it.

Anonymous said...

Whine whine whine. Get over yourself! What the hell does Steph or the world, for that matter, owe to you? Do you really think you deserve the attention you're so needy for? The way I see it, you don't give two shits about Dave or Steph.

You just want this drama because you're addicted to it. You're constantly at a need for some sort of turmoil in your life. It's sickening, really. The whole prospect that you actually can convince yourself that you're trying to get over something when you're far from it. You're so condiluted in your way of thinking, do you even know what you were angry about in the first place?

The way I figure it, you're selfish in the most extreme sense. Things need to be your way or it's nothing at all and everyone around you has to suffer through it. Why? Because negativity loves company, so if you feel bad then everyone else needs to be dragged down to your scummy, delusional bullshit. You're actually happiest by being completely unhappy. That's why you keep conjuring up these little half-assed OC moments into your life.

Get over it or get bent. You're not special. In no way are you a role model to be idolized and this self-righteous persona of yours is more like the idle fancy of a crackhead.

In closing, you're an attention needy, worthless cunt. I'll bet you'll threaten suicide after this, but you won't really follow through. It'll be another pathetic attempt at trying to get attention. Even if you were to kill yourself, nobody would give a flying fuck about it because you don't contribute anything to this life you've been given. You waste it away. I've never even met you and I hate you.

Deal with it.

jane said...

you don't even know a shit about my life, nick from alaska. this is one post of many that are me at my absolute worst. i regret even writing this as i did it out of anger and i realized afterwards it was a really dumb thing to do. so don't try and judge me by one post. you know nothing of my life, or my really inner thoughts. these posts don't even really delve into everything that really happened. i admit i have whined a lot. it's stupid looking back. but i would never threaten or committ suicide. there is nothing to be gained from it and sure maybe i would hurt the friends i do have. i would really mostly just be hurting myself. but you yourself said you dont' know me, so you have no right to judge me.

The Warrior said...

How dare you.

How dare you call Amy a cunt. How dare you call her worthless, say that she is not special, and that she doesn't contribute anything. Every word of that is a complete lie.

I don't know what your problem is, but you have no right to say anything that you said. I was going to stay out of this, but since you've stuck your nose into it and attacked Amy, I'm stepping in. We can let Amy, Steph and Dave sort out their problems on their own, but I'm not letting you do this to her.

Amy has admitted her wrongs. Have you never made a terrible mistake before? I know I have. No one's perfect. Not Amy, not me, not you. Whatever happened to forgiveness? Huh?

Even if you feel angry about this, it's a violation of your duty to treat her so terribly, to speak so crudely, and to be so utterly vicious and unfeeling. Your comment only portrays your character, not Amy's.

She may be imperfect, but I can say from first-hand experience that she's a sweet girl, I love her, and I care about her deeply. She's among the top people who I care about in this world (not to mention that Stephanie and Dave are in that list, too).

I disprove the words you said about no one caring about her death if she committed suicide. Thankfully she's not insane, and won't do that.

My apologies to Amy, and to the ladies, for having to do this in front of them.

No one ever talks to my Amy like that. Ever.

Dr. Paleo Ph.D.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. You people are psycho. :) Get over yourselves.

jane said...

lol yup we are psycho. but it's mainly over now. lol things aren't so dramatic anymore....