Sunday, May 13, 2007

boys are just

can i just say that i'm totally sick of guys. i honestly don't know what they're thinking. they totally just bounce back and forth from one thing to another. like you think you know them, and then they act stupidly. or maybe i'm just tryin to read too much into things. or maybe i just need to learn not to go for younger guys. too immature. guys my age are already immature as it is! lol *eyeroll* but ya know, i don't think i really liked him all as much as i wanted to believe. i think i was projecting my feelings for someone else onto my feelings for him. yeah i think so. he still makes me laugh. but i dont' really like him that way. there's really only one guy i like right now... but i have to get over it cuz he is just a friend. and no it's not ryan. he's just a friend. i had to put that in there for the benefit of two ppl who might have thought otherwise.

anyhoo, life's pretty much dull.... but i just listen to music, read books, procrastinate homework. just normal. and i can't wait for high school to end. i can't wait to get on to college. i know it sounds silly, but i am excited. oober excited. anyhoo, since it's mother's day, my dad has cooked a meal for my mom. chicken cordon bleu and some potato wedges things. i like the chicken part but not the potatoes so much...anyhoo. oh and we're gonna call my brother today at two pm. he's in chile on a mormon mission. but yah....

tha's all for now...

average jane signing off...(time to reevaluate what needs to be done in my life...set my priorities straight : D)

Friends are quiet angels that pick you up when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly...


Nathan said...

If I may ask, what happened? You don't have to answer that; I'm just curious. :-) You know where to find me if you wanna talk.

But yeah, boys are dumb. I won't deny it. Don't know what else to say. ;-)

How is your brother, btw?

jane said...

lol i'll explain sometime...thanx for the offer though..

and my brother's doing okay. told me he loved me. it's all good i guess.

The Warrior said...

Oh...are you okay Amy? I'm curious too, but you don't need to answer it for me, either.

Yes, we're stupid. You girls confuse us, though, so then we act stupid. But sometimes we act stupid all on our own. ;-D

jane said...

umm...this guy just was acting one way then has done almost a whole 360 on me. stupid boys. lol

but i will explain it sometime to both of you...