Monday, August 21, 2006

moments of sadness

Have you ever felt like there's no one else in the world that understands you? that's how i feel almost constantly in my life. i wish that i could find someone who totally gets me. well, there has been one person who's come the closest to knowing the real me. and it's kind of nice. that feeling that if i ever need any advice or help, he'll always be there for me. actually now there's two guys. and i know they're there for me. and sometimes though i wish that i had some girl my age to really talk to, yet i can't ever seem to find someone who i can really click with. the only people i can find that really click with me seem to be guys. there's nothing wrong with having amzing guy friends but, at the same time , it never could replace having girls to discuss guys that i like. it's totally not the same. but, i guess sometimes i just accept that life sucks sometimes and move on. average jane signing off.


The Warrior said...

Boy. Sounds like my life story there. I'm sure it's the last thing you need (another guy to "get it"), but I must say that I totally feel with you. I can also understand how you want a girl as a friend. There would be nothing akin to having a friend who understood me, what drived me, and what I wanted in life. A friend of the same gender could (if he were like me, etc.) also understand my feelings toward women. (I don't mean to imply that they're romantic, since as of yet I've never felt them, but wager I will some day.) Theoden of Sly Piggery is good in that regard (and so is Nathan himself). A friend as close as a brother (or sister, in your case) is what some people need. I feel the same way. I hope this didn't bother you, Staesia.

Dr. Paleo Ph.D.

jane said...

yeah sometimes it just make the world better when someone understands. cuz it kind of gives you hope. but, nathan is good to understan my predicament.

The Warrior said...

Good then! :-)